More dead many wounded in Chicago. When will it stop?

Well if you have been following the violence that has been running rampant in Chicago, this probably will not surprise you. Chicago Breaking News posted one teen dead and 11 wounded in one night and it wasn't even the weekend. One would think that when Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weiss meet with Gang Leaders that he would have scared them into submission. Instead it seems they are only holding up there fingers to the Weiss. They do not fear the threat that Weiss offered because they see the Police getting investigated for crimes and prosecuted. Or Officers who kill an armed assailant on a CTA Train early last week are accused of executing the "unarmed" man.

When will the good people of Chicago wake up and send a message to their elected officials. Enough is enough. In the upcoming Mayoral Election all the hacks who were never law and order types in the first place will start screaming for more law and order. A hypocrisy I say!


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