January is Stalking Awareness Prevention Month

Stalking is a dangerous crime that affects 3.4 million adults in the United States each year. The better we understand the facts about stalking, the more we can do to stop it.

That’s why the Stalking Resource Center, National Center for Victims of Crime, and the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, launched National Stalking Awareness Month in 2004. Every January since then, communities across the country have focused on stalking – holding events, sharing information, and building awareness about the crime.

We have a wealth of resources to share with you. You can take our interactive quiz; download our videos, fact sheets, guides, posters, artwork for buttons and magnets, events ideas, media tools to build your knowledge; and start planning your outreach for National Stalking Awareness Month. This year, we also have social media tools to help you reach even more people.

We hope you will visit this site often and let us know how you are using these tools. You have the power to help “know, name, and stop” stalking in your community.

What will you do?

For more information on Stalking Awareness Prevention look to this website


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