Tattoo Removal

When  looking for employment gang members often find that highly noticeable insignias on their hands, arms, necks and even faces — once a sign of inclusion in the gang — can prevent them from enlisting in the military or moving beyond a low-paying job. As a Police Officer for over twenty years I am frequently approached by family members, current and former gang members to help them get rid of their tattoos. But they often don't understand the impact the removal will have or their intentions sometimes are deceitful. 

Removal of gang tattoos can be for a multitude of reasons, including employment, complete removal from their previous gang lifestyle or even to create a new canvas to add new tattoos!

Tattoo Fading Procedures, Options and Snake oil

With laser tattoo fading, like any other product or service, you are going to get the quality tattoo fading that you pay for. When it comes right down to it, tattoo fading can be expensive, but laser tattoo fading is the safest and best option for tattoo fading and removal.

Some of the myths associated with non-laser tattoo fading and removal:
  • Use bleaching agents for tattoo fading – false; dermatologists will prescribe skin bleaching agents for different problems, tattoo fading isn't one of them. Bleaching really don’t work.
  • Exfoliating the skin for tattoo fading – false; the depth of the ink from a tattoo in the dermis (thick layer of sensitive skin where you find blood vessels, sweat glands and nerve endings) is far too deep for most people to endure the intense scrubbing. The damage to the tissues from this tattoo fading procedure and the severe scarring of the skin makes this an unwelcome option.
  • Surgical excision for tattoo fading – while this method is a proven one, the drawbacks and limitations make this option useful to a limited base of individuals. The procedure is simply for a surgeon to cut away as many layers of skin as are necessary to remove the tattoo; going down through the dermis and to the fat if necessary. Obviously, this can only be done when a tattoo is small enough and located on a part of the body so that a surgical scar is more preferable than the tattoo.

7 Facts to Know About Laser Tattoo Fading

As already stated, laser for tattoo fading is the only sure way to safely and permanently remove unwanted tattoos without surgery.

  • Specific laser wavelengths (ultraviolet, UV, colors) are used for specific ink color removal.
  • Black ink (the most commonly used color), will absorb all laser wavelengths.
  • Each tattoo is different, so the tattoo fading regiment can be tailored to your needs.
  • Patients who have tried and failed with other methods of tattoo fading can still use Laser Tattoo
    Removal with complete success.
  • There is some discomfort with laser tattoo fading, but generally no more than was experienced getting the tattoo in the first place. Many patients describe a sensation similar to being snapped by a rubber band.
  • Larger and more colorful tattoos will obviously require more tattoo fading treatments than smaller ones with few colors, but all tattoos will need multiple treatments.
  • Visible progress of tattoo fading is easy to see with laser tattoo fading and after healing from each treatment there will be a noticeable difference as the tattoo fades more and more.
Possible Side Effects Of Tattoo Fading

While laser tattoo fading will remove tattoos, there are some possible, minimal side effects that the patient needs to know going in:
  • After the tattoo is gone, the pigment of the skin may be somewhat paler or darker than the surrounding skin.
  • There may be some scarring; some people have skin that is more susceptible to scarring than others.
  • Removal of cosmetic tattoos such as eye and lip liner can darken skin and additional treatments may be needed to lighten the skin.
  • Of course, as with any procedure, there is a risk of infection, but proper care of the treated area and following your provider’s instructions minimizes the risk.
The price is considerably less than laser treatment, which doctors use to remove professional tattoos that have a more concentrated amount of ink. Laser removal can take from four to 12 treatments and can cost as much as $7,000. Lasers use three beams of colored light to break up the particles of color of the tattoo into small pieces that the skin can then expel.

Both methods require a topical anesthetic to deal with the pain. Before beginning any type of tattoo removal program please contact a physician and learn about the type of technique  equipment and how often the doctor has performed removals. 


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