City Sticker Represents Chicago Street Gang

Well the City of Chicago has another black eye and it was almost sold to over 1.3 million Chicagoans. The city sticker shown to the right shows four hands displayed in a handsign errily similar to a handsign that the Maniac Latin Disciples display.

A blogger with extensive law enforcement experience in Chicago has identified the designers facebook page and was able to download images off of his face book page indicating he is a Maniac Latin Disciple gang member. See the entire story here. Gang member designs Chicago City Sticker.  He also indicates that since the sticker design the teen has had contact with Chicago Juvenile Detectives and is now a full fledged MLD.

Here is an excerpt of the what was observed by the blogger. Look at his city sticker design. The HEART is the major MLD Gang Symbol. Look at the hands pointing up to the hats on that sticker... Look closely at the fingers and how they are being held... It's hard to see on this image but those little white streaks around the hats have some in the form of a PITCH FORK.....

Looks like little MLD Herbert pulled a fast one on the City of Chicago...

Needless to say Chicago City Clerk has the entire incident under review.


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